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Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #6 (1/26/2005)
Meeting Summary_1.26.05_SAG _Mtg. #6
(Meeting Summary) (44k)
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #5 (9/29/2004)
Agenda SAG Meeting #5 9-29-04
(Agenda) (28k)
Agricultural Land Protection Option
(Working Document) (22k)
Directions to DEP Response Room in Augusta
(Other) (24k)
Draft Report to Legislature Part 1 9-24-04
(Working Document) (449k)
Draft Report to Legislature Part 2 9-24-04
(Working Document) (369k)
Final Meeting Summary 9-29-04
(Meeting Summary) (333k)
Links to Other State''s GHG plans (CT, MA, NY, RI)
(Background Document) (25k)
Non-Quantified Options in Plan (should be at end of Vol. 1, part 5)
(Working Document) (81k)
Renewable Portfolio Standard Option
(Working Document) (22k)
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #4 (6/30/2004)
Agenda 6-30-04
(Agenda) (27k)
Ag-Forestry WG Memo to SAG
(Memorandum) (933k)
BFM WG Memo to SAG
(Memorandum) (891k)
BFM WG Memo to SAG - pdf
(Memorandum) (466k)
Consolidated and Individual Sector Baselines, Targets, and Options (PDF)
(Presentation) (105k)
Energy and Solid Waste Memo to SAG
(Memorandum) (702k)
ESW Table from Commissioner Welch
(Background Document) (21k)
Final Meeting Summary 6-30-04 SAG Meeting
(Meeting Summary) (321k)
Option Tables-All Sectors
(Working Document) (188k)
TLU WG Memo to SAG
(Memorandum) (1,523k)
TLU WG Memo to SAG - pdf
(Memorandum) (971k)
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #3 (4/8/2004)
Population Economic and Discount Rate Forecasting Memo (PDF)
(Presentation) (87k)
Agenda April 8, 2004 SAG Meeting #3
(Agenda) (31k)
AG-Forestry Update (PDF)
(Presentation) (260k)
Ag-Forestry Update (Powerpoint)
(Presentation) (323k)
BFM Update (PDF)
(Presentation) (104k)
BFM Update (Powerpoint)
(Presentation) (54k)
Black Carbon Memo
(SG Resources and Tools) (36k)
Boundary and Timing Issues (Including Biomass) Memo
(SG Resources and Tools) (35k)
Commercially Unproven Technologies Memo
(SG Resources and Tools) (28k)
Draft Meeting Summary of 4-8-04 SAG Mtg #3
(Meeting Summary) (169k)
ESW Update (PDF)
(Presentation) (117k)
ESW Update (Powerpoint)
(Presentation) (109k)
Population Economic Growth and Discount Rate (Powerpoint)
(Presentation) (43k)
Population, Economic, and Discount Rate Forecasting Memo
(SG Resources and Tools) (28k)
Summary Table of TLU Reductions
(Analysis) (16k)
TLU Update (PDF)
(Presentation) (139k)
TLU Update (Powerpoint)
(Presentation) (54k)
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #2 (12/17/2003)
Agenda - 12-17-03 2nd Stakeholder Meeting
(Agenda) (23k)
Black Carbon links
(Background Document) (25k)
CCAP Baseline Supporting Spreadsheet (XLS)
(Modeling Results) (589k)
Criteria for Evaluating and Recommending Option Inclusion (MS Word)
(Presentation) (56k)
Example of a GHG Reduction Option Description from CT Process-Appliance Stds (MS Word)
(Background Document) (35k)
Example of a GHG Reduction Option Description from CT Process-Appliance Stds (PDF))
(Background Document) (63k)
Example of a GHG Reduction Option Description from CT Process--Transportation (MS Word)
(Background Document) (55k)
Example of a GHG Reduction Option Description from CT Process--Transportation (PDF)
(Background Document) (119k)
Extensive list of Potential ME GHG options --edited 12-17-03
(Working Document) (356k)
Maine GHG Emissions: Preliminary Baselines, Methodology & Assumptions (MS PPT)
(Presentation) (79k)
Maine GHG Emissions: Preliminary Baselines, Methodology & Assumptions (PDF)
(Presentation) (367k)
ME CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion --NESCAUM/DEP
(Modeling Results) (86k)
Meeting Summary SAG 12-17-03
(Meeting Summary) (208k)
Memo on Inventory Data Sources -NESCAUM/DEP
(Other) (47k)
NCCTI Technology Options to reduce GHG
(Background Document) (27k)
Science and Economic Policy Resource Panel list 1-6-04
(Other) (27k)
Tentative Working Group Assignments 12-12-03
(Other) (37k)
Updated Inventory- Total GHG Emissions by Sector -from NESCAUM/DEP
(Modeling Results) (76k)
Updated Maine GHG Inventory 1990-2000 -12-17-03 NESCAUM (PowerPoint)
(Presentation) (135k)
Working Group Schedule and Staffing --by Working Group
(Other) (35k)
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #1 (11/6/2003)
A useful website for businesses:
(Background Document) (24k)
Agenda 11-6-03
(Agenda) (41k)
Approach to Identifying and Analyzing GHG Options
(Presentation) (219k)
Climate Change Science
(Presentation) (10,500k)
Companion website to Travel Matters Report
(Background Document) (29k)
DOT/Maine Turnpike Authority draft 10 year Transportation Plan
(Parallel Processes) (400k)
Draft RPS document from PUC
(Parallel Processes) (191k)
Energy Resource Council website (including Draft Energy Plan)
(Parallel Processes) (24k)
Governor''s Address
(Presentation) (26k)
Ground rules (11-6-03)
(Groundrules) (77k)
Individual State Greenhouse Gas Actions Inside and Outside New England
(Presentation) (267k)
Maine Clean Government Initiative
(Background Document) (43k)
Maine Climate Change Legislation (L.D. 845)
(Background Document) (14k)
Maine GHG Inventory
(Presentation) (790k)
Maine GHG Proposed Baseline Methodology
(Presentation) (280k)
Maine State Planning Office Climate Change Action Plan, January 2000
(Background Document) (4,264k)
Meeting Summary 11-6-03 SAG Meeting #1
(Meeting Summary) (177k)
NEG/ECP 2003 Annual Conference resolutions (including 28-6)
(Background Document) (24k)
NEG/ECP Climate Change Action Plan
(Background Document) (60k)
NEG/ECP Climate Change Plan 2003-4
(Background Document) (28k)
New Reports on Transportation Energy Issues as of 11-10-03
(Background Document) (26k)
NEW: First Progress Report - 1.05.06
(Analysis) (153k)
Overview of Process and Ground rules
(Presentation) (126k)
Rhode Island GHG Plan
(Background Document) (3,938k)
Rhode Island GHG Process
(Presentation) (174k)
RI GHG Plan (Appendicies)
(Background Document) (1,076k)
Risks from Global Climate Change from UN Institutional Investors'' Summit on Climate Risk
(Background Document) (3,349k)
Travel Matters: Mitigating Climate Change with Sustainable Surface Transportation
(Background Document) (2,399k)
Update of States'' Combined Heat&Power Activities , ACEEE Report Oct/03
(Background Document) (1,239k)
Update on NEG and ECP Agreement and Implementation
(Presentation) (55k)
US Senate Hearing on Climate Change Action
(Parallel Processes) (24k)